Explore World’s Best Top 10 Magnolia Floral Images.
Origins of the Magnolia Blossom
For a long time the magnolia has been regarded as the aristocrat among shrubs and yet at the same time has had the reputation of not being sufficiently hardy for the average garden. Magnolia kobus, a deciduous tree from Japan, is a joy for the gardener with chalky soil. This is one of the few Magnolias that will grow in these conditions. This is not so, although they do like to be protected from east winds and will do well when sheltered by other trees.
Magnolia soulangeana is one of the easiest Magnolias to grow. It flowers white the tree is still young, and on bare wood, in March. The large flowers are held upright on the branches. They mostly dislike lime in the soil, badly drained ground and heavy clay. Sandy loam is best and peat, leaf mould or hop manure should be mixed in generously.
Magnolia stellata is a glorious shrub and is one of the best of this tribe for the small garden. It really gives a striking display of blooms. Given these conditions, they will succed. They can be planted in November if the weather and soil are reasonably kind; if either (or both) are too cold and wet, leave planting until March or April.
The tree will arrive with the roots wrapped in a ball of soil. Disturb this as little as possible, plant at the right depth (as shown by the soil mark on the stem) and work in plenty of well-rotted compost or peat under, around and above the root ball. Plant firmly and mulch with an inch or two of compost or peat after wards.
Find World’s Best Top 10 Magnolia Floral Images.
The Noble Magnolia Bloom
The flowers are early to open and then follow one another in very quick succession after frost damage. This is a shrub well worth cultivating `A magnolia costs as local availability but this is not really expensive as it will last a lifetime. They are slow growers and therefore do not get out of hand through becoming too large–provided you don’t plant it right in front of the dining room window.
Study a grower’s calalogue and carefully consider the details given for each species to make sure you get the one best suited to your particular situation. The most popular variety is, perhaps, M. soulangeanalennei wine-red outside and pale rose inside. There are several Soulangeana hybrids and these have one other asset in that they branch fairly low down and thus form widely spreading bushes, eventually about 10 ft. high by 6 ft. across.
Here, if we talk about the history of magnolia, magnolia is considered to be a species of plant that is millions of years old. According to fossils found in recent years, magnolia is one of the oldest flowering plants and the organisms that carry the pollen from one place to another are believed to have only walked on the ground or not developed the power of flight.
Coming to the characteristics of magnolia, the species is star-shaped and rounded in shape and comes in various colors such as yellow, green, pink and white. The flowering period of these extremely attractive flowers starts with the arrival of spring and its prime. The species “yellow bird” and black tulip can be considered. The flowers of this species range in size from 3 inches in diameter to a maximum of 12 inches in circumference.
Talking about the type of magnolia, about 210 different species can be identified in which magnolia can be successfully grown in gardens in most countries of the world in terms of area. Most of the species are native to Asia while some are native to America.
The surprising thing about Magnolia is that this species falls under the category of protogynous, which means that the leaves appear after flowering or the leaves appear on the plant immediately after flowering. As for the flowering period
Continuous flowers appear on magnolia plants over a period of 15 to 20 days and then fall off.
Magnolia is said to be a prehistoric flowering species from the time of the dinosaurs and has existed on earth since about 95 million years ago.
Magnolia Fruits: The magnolia plant bears red leaves with red and orange seeds that vary in size depending on the species and appear during the fall season.
Flowering Period: Buds bloom on magnolia plants in late March and early April, and flowers bloom in mid-spring.
As for the most famous species, the flowers of this species from the city of Mississippi in the USA are the best in humans and they bloom in size about 15 inches in diameter and are very lovely in appearance with delicate and waxy petals with each flower.
Fruit: The magnolia fruit ripens and falls from the plant during the fall season, which is often eaten by rabbits, squirrels and birds, as well as wild chickens.
Fragrance: Magnolia flowers are extremely fragrant and have a strong sweet smell that fills the surroundings with a pleasing fragrance.